Tuesday, August 21, 2012

#BlogElul Intentions

I had the best of intentions when I started this blog earlier in the year.  Really.

I was going to write consistently, using this forum as an outlet for voicing my thoughts about the world: what gives me hope and raises my spirits, as well as what frightens or concerns me.  I would examine how faith plays a role in my life, and how I use it to make sense of our often non-sensical society.

I haven't written as frequently as I might have liked; I won't make excuses as to why.

But the thing about intentions, as Elul reminds us, is that when we go astray, when we fail to make good on our best intentions, we needn't throw in the towel.  We have opportunities to make teshuvah, to reexamine our intentions and look for new avenues that will allow us to bring them to fruition.

I can't promise that I'll be any better at this blogging stuff in the year ahead.

But at least I get to try.

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