Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Lech Lecha: Go Your Own Way

Perhaps the best-known song in contemporary Jewish music for Parashat Lech Lecha is the late Debbie Friedman's "Lechi Lach" which takes its inspiration from Abraham's journey, as described in this portion.  While Debbie Friedman was a gifted composer, I will admit that this has never been my favorite song from her catalog.  However, the first cantorial soloist with whom I worked, professionally, Angela Gold, was very fond of the song (and did a wonderful rendition of it).  Each year, we would have a "negotiation" as to whether we would sing the song when this portion came around.  Angela passed away, much too young, earlier this year.  I will forever think of her fondly when I think of this portion.

But Abraham's journey invites us to think about the journeys that each of us take.  By choosing to heed God's call, Abraham (at this point in the Torah, he's known as Abram) gives each of us, as his descendants, the permission and the challenge to embark on our journeys.  As we undergo travels and explorations in our lives-- some literal, some theological or emotional-- we have the opportunity to blaze new trails.  Nobody has encountered the world and its wonders in quite the same way that each of us, individually, will do so.  As you embark upon (or continue upon) your life's journey, you can do so with the permission that Abraham has secured for you to "Go Your Own Way."

Please note, I do not own-- nor do I claim to own-- these songs.  Copyrights are held by the various artists.  I include them here for illustrative purposes.

 Go Your Own Way- (Lech Lecha: Genesis 12:1-17:27)
Music and lyrics by Lindsay Buckingham; performed by Fleetwood Mac.  From the album "Rumors," Warner Brothers, 1977.

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